How to Root Galaxy S4 LTE-A (I9506) on Android Lollipop

 Android 5.0 Lollipop has sent for the LTE-A version of Samsung galaxy S4 (GT-I9506) which gives the new lollipop interface for that model, after upgrading to Lollipop update you will lose root access if your device was rooted.
If you are searching a way to root it we will provide you step by step how to root galaxy S4 LTE-A (GT-I9506) using the well-known cf auto root method without losing your data.

Requirements :

  • Charged Samsung galaxy S4 (GT-I9506) at least 30%.
  • CF-Auto-Root file credits goes to chainefire.
  • USB cable, USB driver and Windows PC.

Instructions :

  1. Download, extract all the required files and install Samsung USB driver in case it wasn’t installed on your computer.
    CF-Auto-Root files
  2. Right click on Odin3 vX.XX.exe and run it as administrator.
  3. Click on “PDA” button and browse “CF-Auto-Root-ks01lte-ks01ltexx-gti9506.tar.md5” file.PDA Odin3
  4. Shut down your phone and reboot it into download mode by pressing and holding on 3 buttons (vol down+home+power) until your device turn on a special screen then press on vol up to continue.
  5. Use the USB cable to connect your phone to the computer you will see a sign in Odin3 which mean your device is detected and ready to go if you don’t see any sign make sure you have installed the USB driver or reinstall it.
    Odin3 Detect Galaxy Device
  6. If everything is OK hit the start button in Odin3 and wait until your phone automatically reboot.Click Start Odin3
  7. Disconnect your device after Odin3 display PASS! or RESET!Odin3 PASS! RESET!

 Don’t be worry if your mobile reboot into a red android logo screen that’s mean everything is going well, The first time after rebooting might take a few minutes normal than usual.
Keep in mind that this root method will void the warranty

Latest steps :

  • Go to Google play store and check if there is a new update for SuperSU app.
  • Open SuperSU to update “su binary” and disable KNOX notification.

 Now you can enjoy the root access on your Samsung galaxy S4 LTE-A (GT-I9506) on Android 5.0 Lollipop.

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  1. a mi meta error no puedo ser root y ahora el celular se quedo en firmware hecho todo lo intento y todo es fallo

  2. Almost every apps stopped, i had to wiped my phone

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