How to Root Galaxy S4 I9505 on Lollipop 5.0 [Auto-Root]

CF-Auto-Root for Samsung Galaxy S4 I9505 on Android Lollipop 5.0You might be one of users who have a Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9505 and you might also update it to Android 5.0 Lollipop to see the big changing of the Lollipop update on the UI and performance. but Android 5.0 update without root mean more bloatware, battery drain, no tweaks, …
In this post we are going to show you how to root galaxy S4 I9505 on Lollipop 5.0 using cf-auto-root method thanks to chainfire.

After using this rooting method your device warranty will be canceled. rooting using cf-auto-root method is completely safe and will not wipe your data but you have to use it at your own risk.


  • Charged Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505) on Android 5.0 Lollipop at least 15%.
  • Cf auto root FILE for GT-I9505.
  • Installed Samsung USB driver.
  • Windows PC and the original USB cable.

Rooting steps:

  1. Backup your data, incase of this process corrupt your files.
  2. Extract the downloaded cf auto root zip file using any extracting tool.CF Auto Root files for GT-I9505
  3. Install Samsung USB driver on your PC.
  4. Launch Odin3 tool as administrator right click on Odin3 then select “Run as administrator”.
  5. Click on PDA and choose the CF-Auto-Root file “CF-Auto-Root-jflte-jfltexx-gti9505.tar.md5” that you just extracted in step 2.
    PDA in Odin3
  6. Power off your mobile then put it into download mode by pressing and holding home, power and volume down buttons at the same time then press volume up to continue.
    Download Mode
  7. Connect the mobile to your PC using the USB cable, If Odin3 detect the mobile, it will display the COM port number in ID: COM box and Added in message box.
    ID:COM and Added message in Odin3
  8. Now everything is OK and its the time to hit Start button in Odin3.
    Start in Odin3
  9. Once the the flashing process is finished, you will see PASS! or RESET! in Odin3, you can safely disconnect your device from the PC.
    Odin3 PASS! RESET!
  10. Your mobile will automatically reboot 2 times and you should see SuperSU APP on your phone App drawer after it boot normal.
  11. Go to Google Play store and update SuperSU Application.
  12. Once you open SuperSU APP it will detect Samsung KNOX, hit OK to disable KNOX notification.

Congratulation you have successfully root galaxy S4 I9505 on Lollipop 5.0, to make sure that your device is rooted, install “Root Checker” App from Google Play store and check root.

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  1. does it work for i9505XXUHOF2??

  2. it rooted my phone but corrupted all of my memory bothing works now I’m gonna flash a stock rom because of this stupid root

  3. You should mention that developer mode has be turned on and the USB Debugger mode on as well! I got stuck without these settings.

  4. Awesome, it worked perfectly on my S4 with Android 5.0.1.

    Thank you 🙂

  5. salve
    vorrei gentilmente sapere se la procedura è valida anche per lollipop 5.0.1

  6. Hi there,
    does it work for android 5.01?

  7. I9505 Auto restart problem solution need

  8. Can we install a recovery?

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