How to Manually update Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 to Lollipop

Today, Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9505 (international LTE variant) finally receive the official update to Android 5.0 Lollipop.
The first country receive the Lollipop update is United Kingdom BTU and it will be available for more countries by the end of this month.
Android Lollipop for galaxy S4 brings a huge changes to the device Lollipop UI, faster, more responsive, great performance, … 

If you live in the UK your device’s CSC is BTU you can update your device via OTA or Samsung Kies and enjoy the Lollipop, If you live in any other country you have to wait until Samsung release Android Lollipop update to your country. But if you can’t wait a bit, no problem! you can flash the UK firmware on you Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9505 ONLY, don’t worry it won’t void the warranty and we will show you how to update your device to Android 5.0 Lollipop update.


  • Charged Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9505 (at least 40%) doesn’t matter if you are rooted or not.
  •  Android 5.0.1 Lollipop firmware I9505XXUHOB7 or FILE / Black Edition I9505XXUHOB7 or FILE.
  •  Odin3 TOOL and Samsung USB driver installed on your PC.
  •  Windows PC and the original USB cable.


  1. Backup your files before flashing firmware file in case this process corrupt your data, don’t worry it will not delete your data.
  2. Download and unzip the firmware file using any extracting tool, don’t unzip it more than one time.
  3. Open Odin3 tool as administrator.Run Odin3 as Administrator
  4. Click the PDA/AP button, and select the extracted firmware file “I9505XX…_HOME.tar.md5”.Flash galaxy s4 PDA Odin3
  5. Turn off your Samsung galaxy S4.
  6. Put your phone in download mode, by holding Vol Down + Home + Power buttons then press Vol Up to continue.
  7. Connect the phone to your computer via USB cable, and wait until you see a sign in ID:COM and Added in message box.I9505 IDCOM and Added Odin3
  8. Make sure Repartition in options is NOT checked.Odin3 default Options
  9. Click the Start button in Odin3 and wait a few minutes until you see PASS! or RESET! in Odin3 it won’t take more than 10 minutes.Odin3 PASS! RESET!

Now your device will reboot on Android 5.0 Lollipop.


  • Don’t disconnect the USB cable until flashing process finish.
  • Flashing official firmware will NOT trip KNOX warranty nor Binary.
  • If your your galaxy S4 was rooted this process will cancel the root.
  • As always use it at your own risk.

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  1. Can i root my device on lollipop then ?

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