How to Get Sony Xperia Z3 Keyboard on Android Phones

Sony Xperia Z3 KeyboardYour Android device’s keyboard is very important because you use it always and its more important to be satisfied with the keyboard, some Android phones came with a simple keyboard which miss more features. xda member “bejunk” has ported the beautiful Sony Xperia Z3 Keyboard design from Lollipop update to almost all Android phones on Lollipop or KitKat.
Z3 keyboard have more options for ex: switching between 3 skins, one handed keyboard, gesture input, symbol on long press, smiley key, ….
Xperia Z3 KeyboardThis guide will teach you how to get Sony Xperia Z3 keyboard on your Android phone, follow this guide at your own risk.

First of all you will need some requirement to install the keyboard and this is the requirements:

  • Rooted Android phone on Lollipop or KitKat.
  • Custom recovery installed (optional).
  • Root explorer App, ex: ES File Explorer (not required if you have custom recovery installed).
  • Xperia Z3 keyboard file for Lollipop / for KitKat.
  • Backup your data in case of your device stuck in bootloop.

Installing instructions using custom recovery:

  1. Download Xperia Z3 keyboard zip file and place it to your phone storage.
  2. Reboot into recovery mode.
  3. Press Install, navigate to the downloaded zip file step2, then accept to install the file.
  4. Reboot

That’s it, you are done.

Installing instructions using root explorer:

  1. Download Xperia Z3 keyboard zip file and place it to your phone storage.
  2. After installing “ES File Explorer” App, Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Press the top left icon, Tools then choose Root Explorer.
    ES File Explorer 1
  4. Hit Mount R/W, change Path “/” and “/system” from RO to RW then press OK.
    ES File Explorer 2
  5. Once you press OK Superuser will ask for root permission hit GRANT.
  6. Press the top left icon, hit Local, choose / Device.
    ES File Explorer 3
  7. Navigate to the extracted folder step2,

    For Lollipop

    – Copy textinput-tng folder and paste it into: /system/app

    For KitKat

    – Copy textinput-tng.apk and paste it into: /system/app
    – Copy and Paste into: /system/lib
  8. Give right permissions to ALL files and folders
    For files: rw- r– r–
    System File Permission
    For folders: rwx r-x r-x
    System Folder Permission
  9. Reboot your device.

How to enable Xperia Z3 keyboard:

  1. Go to your device’s Settings > Language and input > Keyboard and input method.
  2. Change the default keyboard to Xperia Keyboard.
  3. Personalize the keyboard.

NOTE: Xperia keyboard is compatible with more devices but it force close on some devices if you try to change writing languages.

Source: 1

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