Google announced Android M developer preview before few days and we have posted a tutorial on How to Install Android M Developer Preview on Nexus 5, 6, 9 tablet and Nexus Player, If you install Android M on your device you won’t be able to root it using any rooting method, Auto-Root also isn’t compatible yet with Android M, waiting update from chainfire.
Today “DespairFactor“ xda developer make it possible for Nexus 5 by modify the stock kernel, and we will show you on this post how to root Nexus 5 on Android M, for Nexus 6 please check our tutorial on how to root Nexus 6 on Android M.
- Flashable kernel zip file mirror.
- Nexus 5 running on Android M developer preview with unlocked bootloader, check our guide on how to unlock bootloader for Nexus 5.
- Custom recovery (TWRP, CWM, Philz) installed on your device.
- file.
- Download kernel “” and SuperSU “” to your device.
- Reboot Nexus phone into recovery mode, check our guide on how to boot into recovery mode using adb commands.
- Press Install then navigate to the folder you place the downloaded zip files.
- Tap “” file then Swipe to Confirm Flash.
- Back to the home screen, press Install then tap “” file, then Swipe to Confirm Flash.
- Tap Reboot System to start up your device.
- Once finish you will find SuperSU app icon on your device apps drawer.
To confirm root access download and install Root Checker App from Google Play store then tap verify root.
That’s it you have successfully root your Nexus 5 on Android M developer preview.
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