The last week Verizon updated Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N900V) to Lollipop, and finally its the turn of Samsung Galaxy S4 (SCH-I545) to receive Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update the build number of that update is I545VRUGOC1.
Yes its the time to get all the goods of that update but if you update your device to Lollipop, you will lose root access if your device was rooted and you will not be able to downgrade anymore to Android KitKat in case of you don’t like the Lollipop update, today we will show you how to update and keep root Verizon galaxy S4 (I545) on Android Lollipop + you will be able to downgrade I545 from Lollipop OC1 to KitKat.
- Rooted Verizon Galaxy S4 (I545) on Android KitKat, please don’t try it on any other model (If your device isn’t rooted, you can root it using towelroot App after downgrading to NC5 firmware Caution!: do NOT downgrade to NC5 if you took the OC1 OTA update).
- Latest version of FlashFire App.
- I545 [OC1] stock rooted Lollipop ROM file, Mirror.
- Make sure your phone is charged (at least 30%).
- Download and Install FlashFire App.
- Download “” file to your device or ext-sdcard (make sure you have enough storage).
- Open SuperSu App, go to the app settings and check Enable su during boot option.
- Launch FlashFire App, Grant, then accept Terms and Conditions by pressing AGREE.
- Press Add
Button to display Actions menu.
- From the displayed menu Choose Flash Zip or OTA.
- Navigate to select the downloaded zip file “”.
- Make certain that Auto-mount is not selected, then press the checkmark.
- From the main screen, Press the Add
Button to choose Wipe.
- Select all (System data, 3rd party apps, Dalvik cache, and Cache partition) except Internal storage then hit the checkmark.
- Arrange actions on the main screen of FlashFire App to the following order, rearrange it by tapping and holding the actions:
1st ⇒ Wipe.
2nd⇒ Flash ZIP or OTA Finally Press.
- Make sure EverRoot is disabled and Reboot set to be Normal.
- Press Flash
Button then Ok to start flashing stock rooted Lollipop ROM.
Your device will take a little bit longer time to flash and reboot, so please be patient
Once complete your device will reboot and pause on the Verizon splash screen for about 2 – 3 minutes before completely rebooting.
Enjoy !, Now your I545 Verizon galaxy S4 is running on Android Lollipop OC1 update without losing root access.
In your post it shows wipe then flash needs to be at the beginning and on the Xda forum they don’t change the default which shows wipe at the end? Which is correct?
FlashFire doesnt open for me; the screen goes white momentarily and then it disappears.
Hello brother, I have verizon s4 rooted and unlocked phone but still it says your device is up to date and I don’t receive lollipop update. Please tell me the solution.
i want to try this im on kit kat and the links b with my i545 both gave me corrupted files. any suggestions?
The mirror is working
I’m going to try but do you think after I updated i will able to do those steps on this forum
I’m so desperate lol 🙂
How to root my Verizon Galaxy s4 SCH-1545 lollipop 5.0.1, i updated to How to root my Verizon Galaxy s4 SCH-1545 lollipop 5.0.1, now i can’t downgrade and i have a problem sending sms any help thanks
Unfortunately there isn’t root for Verizon Galaxy S4 on Lollipop
Didn’t work for me. I tried this and another guide, and every time I get stuck at the Samsung screen or the screen stays blank with the blue LED. Only flashing back to NC5 through Odin will make the phone usable.
Same Here… Stuck at Samsung Screen
The FlashFire app shows up as malware by AVG. Seems a little too difficult to get to for a widely used app, no such problems with towelroot, etc.
Also, the download for the Lollipop ROM seems suspicious, no download location is specified, downloading to a cloud location, I guess.
Would like to use it, but so far, the necessary items are setting off a lot of alarm bells.
It’s up to you but FlashFire is developed by chainfire (developer of supersu, auto root, triangle away, mobile odin) he is a developer you trust.
Download link for the Lollipop ROM is working (check the mirror)
I’m downloading this stuff to my PC cause trying it on my phone brought up a ton of popups/redirects, etc., and the ROM download didn’t work at all. The ROM DL was something I hadn’t seen before, but it made it onto my HD.
Needless to say, anything that smacks of an exploit sets off AVG, but the virus it named didn’t show up on any Google searches. So off we go. Pardon my paranoia, but you can’t be too careful, these days.
Thanks, will let you know how it works out.
thanks thanks thanks
but one problem it got stuck at the verizon screen for about 30 mins and i removed the battery and reinserted and it worked . thanks once again
The link for the .zip file to revert back to NC5 doesn’t work. Can anyone help to get back to NC5?
It is working, please try again
No… When I try to flash the .zip file in the PDA slot, it always fails during the boot.img process. Is there any way to fix it so it will work?
I’m sorry I thought you was meaning download link isn’t working
Did you update your devcie to lollipop using this tutorial or via OTA/Odin3/Kies?
I updated via this tutorial.
Could you try this one or
OK so I needed to use my phone so I went to the firmware. Is there a way to go back now?
Try flashing the firmware
When I flash the NC5 firmware, Odin says that it fails. Is there a workaround?
It fails during the “boot” or “aboot”?
It fails during the boot part
Is it at all possible to go back to NC5?
thanks… thanks…thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks… thanks…
Worked great, looks good so far, thank you so much!!
Both if the rooted stock ROM links lead to nothing…
The mirror is working, please try again
Both of the rooted stock ROM links lead to nothing…
I did this and it worked perfectly BUT!… I cannot access recovery mode. Download mode is fine. What did I do or is this normal? How do I fix it?
Try to boot into recovery via How to Boot into Download, Recovery Mode Using ADB cmd
So I tried your suggestion but couldn’t get it to work. Running xp. I took a suggestion and flashed the stock recovery which worked but now when phone reboots it goes black screen after vzw splash screen. I get services stopped pop ups. Sigh… I just want to go back to a working phone now.
Disregard last comment. I factory restored from recovery and then redid the whole process with flash fire and everything is OK now. Thank you
Worked for me. Thanks!
Aton I foolishly took updated via kies to I545VRUGOC1 I tried your file to try and downgrade this is what odin shows:
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
Please wait.. is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
Odin engine v(ID:3.1005)..
File analysis..
Get PIT for mapping..
Firmware update start..
NAND Write Start!!
FAIL! (Auth)
Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Looks like it’s failing on the boot.img part. Any ideas?? I’m finding it hard to believe nobody has found an exploit for andriod 5.0.1 yet as there are newer versions out. Please help!
… new link for ROM Please
I just got the update for my Galaxy S4 from Verizon (i545) and took the OTA update to 5.01 lolipop. I am running OC1 and want to root it, how should I do this? You say to not downgrade to NC5 in the article, is there any other way to root?
Thank you!
With odin and odin FAIL…..
Can you send me full message of Odin3 please?
The link for the ROM does not work anymore.
Updated, thanks
I took the I545VRUGOC1 via OTA. Is there anyway to go back?
Try to flash this to downgrade to NC5, if it doesn’t work flash back Lollipop firmware
Help me, pls. i have updated by kies to I545VRUGOC1 and now can’t root. help me pls. thanks
I’m sorry there isn’t rooting method for Lollipop, if you would like to try flash this to downgrade to NC5, if it doesn’t work flash back Lollipop firmware
Thanks but I545VRUFNC5_I545VZWFNC5_I545VRUFNC5_HOME.tar.md5 and odin i can’t , is FAIL!!! Can i downgrade in another mode??
Use firmware file that I post in the reply please
Odin crash with I545_OC1_Stock_Rooted_ROM_wNK4_BL.tar.md5…….
Flash this firmware LINK to downgrade to NC5 (not tested), if your device stuck in bootloop reboot into recovery mode and factory data reset
If it doesn’t boot after all Odin back to Lollipop firmwareLINK
Enter CS for MD5..
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
Please wait.. is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
File analysis..
Get PIT for mapping..
Firmware update start..
NAND Write Start!!
FAIL! (Auth)
write Fail
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
I haven’t upgraded since the first KitKat update, I’m on 4.4.2 with NC5 bootloader so I don’t have to downgrade. This should work, right?
Hmm. I tried this 4 times, and each attempt it gets stuck on either the Samsung animation or the Galaxy S4 logo. I have to reflash the original NC5 rom using Odin. Do you know what might be causing this?
Try it again and dismiss step10 and step11, if it doesn’t boot after waiting enough, go to recovery mode and wipe data
Man, you’re awesome. It booted up successfully and is now optimizing the apps for Lollipop. Thanks!
You are welcome 😉
followed this exactly… now device is stuck on the first logo..
Downgrade to NC5 > Root via towelroot > follow the instruction again