Many T-mobile Galaxy S6 Edge users bricked their device after flashing Auto-Root file which still need some work from chainfire to fix this problem.
There isn’t any way till this moment to restore or unbrick your (SM-G925T), because there isn’t a firmware file yet for that device.
But we have a good news for you the stock recovery of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925) from T-Mobile is available for downloading and flashing it to your device via Odin3.
Requirements for restoring stock recovery:
- T-Mobile Galaxy S6 Edge (SM-G925T).
- Odin3 v3.10.6 tool.
- Samsung USB driver installed on your computer, Windows PC, and Original USB cable.
- SM-G925_Stock_Recovery file,
Instruction of flashing:
- Download and unzip Odin3 tool and “” file using any extracting tool
- Put your phone into Download Mode,
- Right click Odin3 and run it as administrator.
- Place the extracted recovery “” file into AP section.
- Connect your phone to the computer via USB cable.
- Click Start button.
- Wait until Odin display Pass or Reset.
Congratulation you have succsessfully restore/unbrick your T-Mobile Galaxy S6 Edge.
Update: G925T firmware became public
Odin says passed and the error message on the phone at the top left disappear but it doesn’t get past the Samsung galaxy 6 edge screen
it says check fail device 2 binary 1
Try again
it says failed again on my pc and on my phone it would say “kernal rev. check fail. device 2 binary 1” im sorry did i do something wrong? thank you so much for replying to me
After download recovery cwm for g925t and flashing it via odin, once lunched it, what do I need to do? Data factory reset? Sorry 4 this dumb question. Nice job.-
There is no CWM recovery for galaxy S6, if there is link please.
I don’t know the reason of flashing CWM recovery to your device but you can do what you want, flash custom ROMs, backup, …
IT WORKED , Bro You Saved My Life , Love You , Really Appreciate Your Work ……..
+91-98768-68268 .
it says i need a password to open or even move the file
The password is written next to download link