How to Root Verizon HTC One M8 and M7 by APK app

HTC One M8 Verizon variant can easily be rooted on Android 4.4.2. This time is different because you don’t need to unlock your phone’s bootloader and wipe all data.

developer jcase has made a simple APK app, which can easily give root access to both the HTC One M8 and HTC One M7, No data lose.

Steps :

  1. Go to main xda thread to download the attached file.
  2. Copy WeakSauce-1.x.x.apk app to your phone storage after extracting the attached file.
  3. Click on that APK app to install it.
    If you see a popup message Install blocked, press settings and enable Unknown sources, then go back to install the APK.
  4. After it finish installing, hit Open then Yes to agree.WeakSauce
  5. Once you see Root Activated, Go to Google Play store and install SuperSU app.
  6. Open SuperSU to update su binary

That’s it, you got root access and installed SuperSU app on your HTC One M8 Verizon variant. If you would like to check this root, Go to Google Play store and install Root checker app.

Notes :

  • This isn’t full root, it gives you root access to /system/xbin only and make it writable.
  • You will lose root access every time you reboot your device, so give WeakSauce app 30 seconds to re-root your device again.
  • Uninstall WeakSauce app and reboot, if you would like to UnRoot your HTC One M8.

Source : 1

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